
Be yourself and change the world

Max Cavalera from Soulfly live @ Pinkpop Festi...Image via Wikipedia
You want to stand out from the crowd. You want to differentiate yourself from your competition. You want to drive your competition crazy! You want everybody to understand your value!
But how?
All previous sentences were focused on your competition. Well... I believe that, in order to beat your competition, you have to focus on yourself first.
Be yourself!

Let me introduce to you a legendary artist: Max Cavalera. At an early age Max wanted to change the world as an musician. His mom had an advice for him: "Go ahead son! I wish you all the luck in the world. But remember... if this venture goes wrong don't come running back home crying!"

This is a very important advice that I follow close to my heart. In everything that I do... I do it like there was no turning back. I go for it with all my heart and with all my strengths. If I'm going down... there's no more glory that to "die" in the battle field. All you have to do is to learn from your mistakes and try to make better options in the future. If I succeed... I try to understand what exactly I did right, in order to repeat it in the future.

Max wrote a song about this called: "Refuse Resist".

The music industry is a very competitive industry. It's a though game to win because the supply of artists is much greater that the demand for them. Max knew this. Marilyn Manson also knew this. Max knew that in order to differentiate himself from this competition he had to give the audience something unique. And what is more unique than ones personality and culture. What's more unique than yourself?

When Max founded Sepultura, he added all the Brazilian culture and sounds into his music. He also added all the things that made Max what he is.

However to be yourself you have to be courageous, because the easiest path is to be just like everyone wants you to be. To be like your friends want you to be. Like your parents want you to be. Like your teachers want you to be. Like the TV want you to be. It's the Ugly Duckling Paradox!

In this music "Refuse Resist", Max is speaking to everyone that have the courage to be themselves! I know that it's easier to decide what you want to be than discovering who you really are. However, just like Max, you have to understand who you are, what you stand for, acknowledge your weaknesses and leverage your strengths!

In a world where everyone is trying to please the status quo, if you have the courage to be yourself, break the silence that means death, stand on your feet and conquer your inner fears... you will be a true leader and change the world!

This is the Rabbit way!

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