You know what it looks like, right? It's when the clouds clear, the sun shines and the angels start singing... it's a beautiful thing to witness. It happens when you finally reach the goal you worked so much for.
The problem is: it's not going to be easy because, in any game, you're not the only one that's trying to win. There will be the ones that will try to break the rules and put you out of the game. Others will try to break you. Others though, will help you.
NBA players know a lot about this. Their goal? Wining the championship by scoring as much points as possible while preventing the other team to do the same. Their problem? There's a total of 30 teams, each one with 15 players on their roster, making a total of 450 players competing for the same thing: wining!
The question is: how they succeed?
Here's the first set of clues: Determination, Heart and Discipline.
The definition of determination is the quality of being determined to do or achieve something.So first, in order to be determined, you have to know what you're trying to achieve. This can be understood as common sense but often, I've watched people trying to succeed with no idea of what they want to achieve. This reminds me something from Alice in Wonderland.
Alice: Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?
The Cat: That depends a good deal on where you want to get to
Alice: I don't much care where.
The Cat: Then it doesn't much matter which way you go.
You have to have a clear vision of what you're trying to achieve. It has to be so clear that you can almost touch your goal! Then you have to got the determination to walk the path that leads to your goal, because it's going to be hard path to walk.
Jesus, the greatest leader of all times said something about being determined to walk the path that leads to success:
"Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it; whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it." - Matthew 7:13
Be determined to hold on to your values because, in the end, that's all you've got. Your values define who you are!
There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart...pursue those. - Michael Nolan
They say that there's two important days in your life. One is when you're born. The other is when you discover why.
Ask yourself these questions: What do I love? What is the thing that I love most in this world? That's where your heart is. That's what can drive you to success!
Doing something that you love makes all the difference. When you love something, it's easier to get through the challenging hard times. It makes it easier to work and turn your skills into perfection.
There will be times that reason says that something is impossible to do. In those times, your heart will be the key to make the impossible happen. When you put all your heart into your actions you'll discover new strengths. When you love something so much you won't let it go without a fight. You'll fight for it until you run out of strengths. Then you'll reach for your heart to run that extra mile!
In the end, what's the point of living life with no heart and no passion? If you don't pursue the dreams that you love and are passionate about, with bother getting up from bed? That's why we have hope. We hope that one day... one day will be the day that we succeed!
"Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard." - Tim Notke
Hard work is just that. Hard. But it needs to be done.
Discipline is what makes you do the hard work that needs to be done in order to be prepared when opportunity finally comes. Discipline makes you focus on reaching your goal and your plan to get there. It makes handle the pain of training. It makes you stronger! Faster! Better!
The important thing to remember is: nobody else will force you to follow and focus on your game plan. That's all up to you. Additionally, you're the only person in the world that can use your ability (Zig Ziglar). Using your unique skills in a way that gives you a competitive advantage and makes meaning in the world, is up to you too.
In this global competitive world, chances are great that in order to succeed you need the help of others. NBA players need each other to win the game.
In order to lead a team to success you have to first lead yourself. Discover who you are and what you're trying to accomplish. This takes discipline to do but is critical to discover your strengths and your purpose!
This next final clue can be seen as a paradox:
Embrace failure
In your path to success you will eventually fail in the process.That's OK though. You have to accept failure in your path to success and don't give up. However when you do fail: accept the consequences, understand why you've failed and design a plan to cover that issue.
Remember that failure is part of life's learning experience and it's reserved only for those who have the courage to dare to succeed! People like entrepreneurs who dare to defy the status quo and change the world. You have my respect.
No article that talks about NBA should be complete without talking about Michael Jordan. Let's listen to what Michael Jordan has to say about failure:
There's no recipe for success. However, there's some critical keys that you must remember in order to succeed:
- Determination - know what you want to achieve and let no one tell you that you won't make it!
- Heart - choose something that you love! It will help you find new strengths and get through thought times
- Discipline - you're the only one that can use your ability and the only one that can work hard to be even better
- Embrace failure - eventually you will fail in your path to success. Our evolution is a series of failures and some successes. Accept it, learn from it and create a plan so they tend to decrease.
If you're still reading this, chances are great that you're already on your way to success! I believe in you!
That's the Rabbit way.
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