We're living in the Information Overload Era.
Let's face it: there's no way you can keep up with the rate of new information that knocks on your door every day.
New e-mail messages, new RSS feeds, new podcasts, new blog posts, new Twitter messages, new Digg submissions, new LinkedIn updates, new Flickr photos... you name it!
Being able to find the real interesting stuff is the real challenge.
Search engines, like the almighty Google, have definitely provided answers to this problem.
However I believe that today we have resources to enhance the quality of our search results.
Enter Search 2.0.
The real interesting information in the world spreads like a virus.
It works like this: You've found a cool site and you tell 5 friends about it. Each friend talks about the site to another 5 friends. And it goes on and on.
In Marketing, this behavior is called Viral Marketing.

The Dark Knight Marketing Campaign has used this technique to promote the movie. So has Cloverfield.
So the point is: the cool and interesting information travels from people like you to people like me, and vice-versa.
How can you leverage this?
Today there's so many social networks where people trade photos, links, experiences... One of the most popular social networks is called Twitter.
Image via CrunchBase
Because every message that you sent via Twitter is public: you can search all conversations via twitter to find the real cool interesting information!
Just go to http://search.twitter.com and start searching for the topic of your interest!
But I already got my list of RSS Feeds!
You have to free your mind! RSS feeds are cool! I also have a list of RSS feed of my favorite authors. However, there's a lot more going on in the web besides your favorite author's articles.
You can't imagine the list of great articles that I've discovered using search queries like http://search.twitter.com/search?q=business+model.
And guess what: you can subscribe to your search queries via RSS and get notified every time a new result appears. Top that!
Why should you care?
If you're an entrepreneur:
- Time is a critical resource. Find the cool interesting stuff as soon as it is found!
If you're a company:
- Monitor what customers/fans say about your brand
- Check what the competition is doing
If you're in the marketing business:
- Be notified every time someone searches for a product or service that your company sells and make the call to action.
For example: Monitor search queries for management software and reply directly to your potential customer. This way you will instantly find yourself talking to an interested customer.
Guy Kawasaki has written a great article about how you can use Twitter as a tool and has online magazine rack” of popular topics called AllTop.com.
How are you using the Search 2.0 to find new cool stuff?
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I didn't know what was search 2.0 until now. Looks like it's better than Ctrl+F'ing in page to find the word or phrase you're looking.
ReplyDeleteBut I'm not sure if I understand the concept entirelly.
I can use google to search for whatever i'm looking for and most of the times find it really quickly whatever the subject is, so what's the main advantage of search 2.0?
According to this site: [http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/search_20_vs_tr.php] in Search 2.0 you find exactly what you look for with much less spam because you're searching within a community of people but the search efficiency depends on how the community is organized and what content it provide. So in my opinion it may take a while before search 2.0 is massively used.
It's always cool to ready your blog. Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind words and for taking the time to give your feedback!
"I can use google to search for whatever i'm looking for and most of the times find it really quickly whatever the subject is, so what's the main advantage of search 2.0?"
I believe that Search 2.0 won't replace search engines like Google. Instead Search 2.0 should be used together with regular search engines to enhance the quality of your query results.
Besides, search engines can't tell you that someone is looking for your product or service right now. This gives you the unique opportunity to talk to a potential interested customer.
Also, Search 2.0 gives you the chance to search for cool stuff that people like me and you share with each other every day. You know that hard to find cool stuff that you tell all your friends about? :)
Google page ranking algorithm tries to give you the best possible results based on a set of variables like clicks, page views/hits, ... This algorithm sometimes is hiding some cool stuff in the last pages of the search results. Search 2.0 shows you live the stuff that people are talking and sharing!
Try http://search.twitter.com today and search for your favorite topic and compare the results with Google search results.
Don't forget to give your feedback about it!