
Introducing The Startup Diary

This is clicked at sunrise in pondicherryImage via Wikipedia

If you're a reader of The Rabbit Way or my guest posts on the OnInnovation blog or if you follow me on Twitter, you know that I'm a big believer in the power of sharing knowledge! That's what makes us go beyond our own limitations and beyond our own individualities. That's what makes us evolve to the next level!

Successful entrepreneurs know that one can't succeed alone.

As an entrepreneur myself, I'm always looking forward to learn something new every day! However, I've always found that it would be great if I could see what other entrepreneurs were doing. It would be a fantastic way to motivate and inspire each other while learning from our different experiences.

That's why I've created The Startup Diary.

The Startup Diary exists to connect entrepreneurs from around the World and share their experiences.

Through videos, pictures and posts from brave entrepreneurs around the World, we will show you what entrepreneurship is all about and, hopefully, inspire you to change the World!

It's going to be a phenomenal journey and you're invited to join us at The Startup Diary!

Thank you.

Best regards,
Bruno Coelho
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